Daring to Dream

As we start another new year, it’s often a time we sit down and write our individual goals, our business goals, our team goals etc How many of us sit down with our life partner to contemplate together our wildest dreams!?  To do so often involves thinking about and confronting questions like “Who am I?” “Who is my partner?”  “What do I want?” “Am I brave enough to show my wildest dreams to him/ her or even to myself?” “Do I feel entitled to dream big for our life”.

So often we have no training or encouragement to dream and express our wildest dreams.  So often we take up and accept just what we perceive consciously or unconsciously might be possible for us or what might be expected of us. We tend to have expectations for our future and lives together and sometimes these expectations are not even communicated to each other. This  can bring about stress and conflict when things start to unfold differently to how we might expect or want life to be.  It can feel like we are living another persons life, one that we did not consciously sign up for.

Taking the time to pause and the space to dream together and get more on the same page is important for our individual and family’s wellness.  To be sure that both your wildest dreams are heard and where possible integrated into one big picture. One that allows both people to grow and live a whole, rich and fulfilling life together. A picture that you dream and plan and execute together.  Both creative and practical.

In order to dream our wildest dreams we need time and space, we need to be able to still ourselves to expand and go deeper beyond the everyday expectations of the “norm”  (Whatever that might be for you). 

Imagine you are the architect of your  world 10-15 years from now, no limitations, nothing impossible. How creative can you be imagining into this big expansive picture? Taking in and addressing every area of life. Your relationships, home life, house, houses, garden, work, investments, holidays, study, spiritual life, social life, hobbies, recreational life, material life…

Dare to dream together. Today.

For more information on our program and how we support couples to develop together please contact us at hello@couplet.co